
Spreading joy and gifting smiles!

The holiday season is a time of warmth, joy, and giving. It’s a time when we come together to share our love, spread happiness, and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. One remarkable initiative that embodies the spirit of the season is the Santa Shoebox Project. This heartwarming effort has been bringing smiles to countless children’s faces for years, and it’s a tradition worth celebrating.

The primary mission is to deliver gift-filled shoeboxes to underprivileged children. The project was born out of the desire to ensure that every child experiences the magic of Christmas, regardless of their circumstances. 

The shoeboxes are filled with a carefully curated selection of items. These typically include necessities like clothing, school supplies, and hygiene products, as well as a few treats and toys to bring extra joy. In addition, VirtualResource employees have an opportunity to get involved in packing the boxes, donating and spreading the word!

In December 2020 VirtualResource consultants raised R40 000 with the Santa Shoebox campaign. This enabled VirtualResource to gift 220 children in informal settlements with a Christmas box containing a toy, outfit, toiletries, stationery, and sweets. Whilst in a pandemic, VirtualResource managed to gather a small team to wrap and deliver the gifts to the children. 

In December 2021 VirtualResource raised over R22,000 and donated 220 Christmas presents to 5 different schools in the Helderberg (Cape Town) area. The boxes were hand delivered by our Charity volunteers and in addition to that we could hand out party packs, 450 hotdogs, schoolbooks and stationery to 100 children for the 2022 school year.

This initiative is a reminder that even small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on the lives of others. Whether you’re a donor, a volunteer, or simply someone who spreads the word, your involvement in this project helps create a brighter and more joyful world for children in need.

A special thank you to all our VirtualResource employees and consultants who have dedicated time, effort and funds to make this possible.

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